Wednesday, April 28, 2010

blogging is toture

There is a line that a person should make sure he does not cross because the toture you choose can some times be the wrong one.Back in the day they handled every thing by death or dugeons.These are but the latest innovations in the tradition of ingenious, sadistic methods of inflicting pain and psychological torment. Over the centuries, torturers have invented machines lke the rack to gradually tear apart people limbs. They have used rubber hoses to beat the bottom of people's anesthetic. They have learned to beat peoples feet to a pulp. They have become adept at removing fingernails, and drilling on teeth with out with out anesthetic. They have leanred to connect the exact amount of electric current a victim's testicles or nipples in order to inflict maximum pain with out ultimately killing the subject. Of coarse there has always been the ever popular old fashioned beating. while things were not on the list of approved methods, they differ only modestly from those on the "approved list". All inflict excrutiating physical or psycological pain.

Polonius, Hamlet, and Privacy

No, you dont have the right to read any thing that was not given directly to you! if you have a question about whats going on with your child, it's your responsibility to open the channels of communication. We all live to learn from our mistakes thats why we only have one life. if a parent jumps in to every thing that happens to their child you are not letting your child learn. It was not ok for ophelia's father to assume some thing of a man who had no intension on leaving Ophelia for a princess. If a father who cared for his daughter would just confront hamlet and ask him how he feels about ophelia; every thing would of been avoided. When a parent intrudes in some one elses life;it can destroy a relationship between the father and the person he/she is on love with. Some time a parent can be completly wrong about the situation and make their child angry or depresed. Thats why a parent should stay out of their childs relation ships. Parents could be worng only because they are scared for thier child and they just want to protect their child from getting hurt by another person, but some times parents can be blind and not see the real love between them.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is Odysseus' Trojan Horse Plan Immoral?

Odysseus plan was very impressive. His plan was brave,heroic,and sneaky. Just like a small boy to a bigger person. the only way to win the fight is not by sheer power,but to out think his opponent. Setting his men to build a horse made the enem think the trojens surrenderd. So the greek men got extremly drunk that ld them to their down fall. The men of trojen qiuetly came out the horse killing the drunk men of greek

The Shield of Achilles

Achilles wasnt a man who fought for other mens greed to conquer. He only fought to protect his country and loved ones. achilles knew what was to come if he was to battle, but he made his choice to protect and serve the people at home who are help less. The shield symbolizes the people he protects.