Thursday, May 20, 2010

blog about what ever

To day i went to school and made macaroni and cheese in beggining foods and it was amazing. we as a group did well together in the process. My next class was personal finance and we usually talk about life situations. In my third period class i have Mr. Carty who is a funny character. Mr. Carty smiles for a quick second while he trys to explain some thing to some one. We take smalls quizes every day but i like the way that works. Then i have access with Miss Woods who is the spanish teacher and every time we get in class we play dominoes. I guess you can call me a true hispanic to playing those. After that i ave lunch, but lets not get into the lunch. When schoo is over i usually hang with my friends or just hang around. the year is almost over and adult hood is very close by and nothing will be givin any more. If u want some thing you have to earn it or go for it. Forget the regrets and dreams that seem as if they will never come true.The big life starts when you take the diploma from the principles hand. We live to learn and work to earn things that the world offers. Some people know how to enjoy it but some greave over the fact they work the rest of their lives and want to stay young. We all can stay young but as adults you have to understand theeir will be times and places for every thing that is fun. Im ready for any thing that is coming to me. Yesterday was history,tomorrow is a mystery, to day is a gift thats why its called the present. Life will be every thing its supposed to be.

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